Monthly Archives: November 2015

Great Opening

Even if for some reason you don’t buy the merits, you must admit that this motion to dismiss starts with a bang:

A monkey, an animal-rights organization and a primatologist walk into federal court to sue for infringement of the monkey’s claimed copyright. What seems like the setup for a punchline is really happening. It should not be happening. Under Cetacean Community v. Bush, 386 F.3d 1169 (9th Cir. 2004), dismissal of this action is required for lack of standing and failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. Monkey see, monkey sue is not good law – at least not in the Ninth Circuit.

For background, and a reproduction of what might be the world’s most famous selfie, see David Post.

Posted in Law: Copyright and DMCA, Law: Practice | 2 Comments

Ironic Part of Dr. Carson’s 2011 Miami Speech

In 2011 Dr. Ben Carson gave the commencement address at the Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine of the University of Miami, on May 14, 2011. It shows off his considerable talents as a speaker (although the religiosity at the end of it is a bit odd given the circumstances). The full video is here. But one little piece, the ten second snippet above, has ironic resonance in light of multipe questions about his biography, not least this one about his supposed award for honesty. (Bonus: this Doonesbury tie-in.)

Hat tip: My #1 Twitter Troll, who gave me the link to the Carson speech at UMiami, apparently thinking that the medical school’s endorsement of Carson’s medical prowess should matter to my views of Carson’s fitness as a candidate or President.

Posted in 2016 Election, U.Miami | Comments Off on Ironic Part of Dr. Carson’s 2011 Miami Speech


GOP Frontrunner Outraged Over Claims That He Wasn’t A Violent Psychopath.

Posted in 2016 Election | 1 Comment

Great Immigration Video

Never heard of the authors, but “Heard it Before” gets it right:

Spotted via Daily Kos.

Posted in 2016 Election, Law: Everything Else | Comments Off on Great Immigration Video

Brilliantly Stupid

Dumb Cuneiform. We’ll take your tweets and make them permanent clay tablets.

Posted in Shopping | Comments Off on Brilliantly Stupid

Off to Ohio

I’m going to make a very quick visit to Ohio, to participate in a panel on “Drones as Threats: Privacy and Property Rights” at the OSU Drones as Disruption conference that is being held in Columbus, OH tomorrow.

Agenda looks really good, I hope to learn stuff. But I’m starting to dislike airports.

Posted in Talks & Conferences | 1 Comment