If you haven’t done so already, please vote. These are the most consequential midterm elections of your life to date.
A Personal Blog
by Michael Froomkin
Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Miami School of Law
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I did vote – and I voted straight democrat even though I disagreed with the FL democrats’ positions on BDS and Israel. Its strange, I am so distrustful of the country right now, that I am excited about the hand recount for Nelson, even though he is a moderate Dem, because I just assume the trump/rubio/de santis side committed fraud w/ the elctronic machines, so will be interesting to see if it can be replicated with the recounts. Its not to say I don’t agree the many voted republican, I just think the republicans will say/do anything to win and the democrats need to learn to be so nihilistic and not think it is so amoral to win.
Why? You have no evidence of wrongdoing, and yet you simply assume election rigging?
Take a deep breath, calm your mind, and hear the following read out loud in the voice of a man wearing a MAGA hat:
“I did vote – and I voted straight [republican] even though I disagreed with the FL [republicans’] positions on BDS and Israel. Its strange,I am so distrustful of the country right now, that I am excited about the hand recount [in Florida], even though he is a moderate [Rep], because I just assume the [Pelosi/Nelson/Gillum] side committed fraud w/ the electronic machines, so will be interesting to see if it can be replicated with the recounts. Its not to say I don’t agree the many voted [democrat], I just think the [democrats] will say/do anything to win and [good honest americans] need to learn to be so nihilistic and not think it [about] a moral to win.”
It fits the MAGA script beautifully. Be mindful of team sport political thinking.