Broward Judge Corey Amanda Cawthon (lower left) holds court over Zoom. No bathing suits in sight. (Image provided by Florida Supreme Court.)
One comment that needs sharing and that is the judges would appreciate it if the lawyers and their clients keep in mind these Zoom hearings are just that: hearings. They are not casual phone conversations. It is remarkable how many ATTORNEYS appear inappropriately on camera. We’ve seen many lawyers in casual shirts and blouses, with no concern for ill-grooming, in bedrooms with the master bed in the background, etc. One male lawyer appeared shirtless and one female attorney appeared still in bed, still under the covers. And putting on a beach cover-up won’t cover up you’re poolside in a bathing suit. So, please, if you don’t mind, let’s treat court hearings as court hearings, whether Zooming or not.
It’s stuff like this that makes lawyers here in Miami-Dade County, which is just south of Broward but in a distant zeitgeist, a bit smug. (And yes, I still wear a bow tie for Zoom classes. And pants.)