Author Archives: Michael Froomkin

Sincerely, Estella

From the DNC last night:

Posted in 2020 Election, Immigration | 1 Comment

Election Aftermaths, Primary 2020

A few takeaways from yesterday’s local elections, in which many of my favored candidates lost:

  • KFR wins again and will continue on as State Attorney; Melba Peterson’s campaign was hamstrung by COVID limits on campaigning, and by a huge fundraising disadvantage that couldn’t overcome the name recognition deficit. One can only hope that our State Attorney feels a little bit more pressure to do something about abuses by police and Corrections, and–this is really too much to hope for–rampant campaign finance abuse in local politics.
  • The judicial elections once again provided ample support for the claim that women with Hispanic names tend to beat candidates who lack them. It used to be they beat Anglo men, now maybe they beat everyone non-Hispanic?
    • Unfortunately, this trend extended to the election of the utterly unqualified Rosy Aponte over the capable and experienced Dava Tunis.  It’s enough to make you question the divinity of the vox populi.
  • Another trend I’ve noticed is that judicial candidates with unusual names often do poorly.  (We lost Fleur Lobree that way a few years ago.) That can’t have helped Olanike “Nike” Adebayo, although Joe Perkins ran a well-funded and very very energetic campaign. He, at least, has the skills and smarts to be a judge; we’ll see about the temperament.
  • The November runoffs for County Mayor, and for the District 7 Commission seat will be the most partisan in recent memory and might well depend on how the headline Presidential election drives turnout.  The Mayoral candidates will be Bovo, who ran explicitly as a Trumpist, and Cava, who may not have explicitly run as a Democrat, but did implicitly and clearly was the Democratic Party’s favorite. Bovo’s strategy was well-calculated to get him into the runoff, but are there enough pro-Trump voters, or Cuban voters who’ll look past that, in Miami-Dade to carry him to the finish? I hope not.  He’d be awful. Similarly, in District 7, Cindy Lerner is endorsed by Democrats, and Rachel Regalado by Republicans — but Regalado didn’t wrap herself around Trump like Bovo did, which has to give her a better chance of winning.
Posted in 2020 Election, Miami | 2 Comments

Powerful USPS-Related Video

You have to wonder what the Trump people were thinking — if anything — when they took on the Post Office. Are Mom and Apple Pie next? (Could be, they already threw grandparents under the bus.)

I’m guessing they figured no one could stop them, and then stopped thinking about the problem.

Anyway, looks like they were wrong about that. This ought to hurt:

From VoteVets.

Posted in 2020 Election, The Scandals | 1 Comment

Student Job: ‘We Robot 2021′ Conference Manager

Copright 'brizzle born and bred' Some rights reserved, need to hire one or more law students to help manage ‘We Robot’, a major conference on legal and policy issues relating to robotics, to be hosted by the law school on April 8-10, 2021. It may be live, virtual, or both, we don’t know yet. The job requires organization skills and writing skills. While there are many miscellaneous tasks involved, the three biggest jobs before the event will be: 1) Managing the flow of proposed and then later accepted or rejected papers; 2) Writing online summaries of all the accepted papers; 3) Helping out with fundraising.

Workflow is unfortunately somewhat erratic; there will be slow weeks and weeks with up to 10 or even 15 hours of work. You would also be asked to attend and assist with the conference.

To apply please email me at, attaching your c.v., an unofficial transcript, and (if you have one) either a non-legal writing sample (preferred) or a paper written to satisfy a law school writing requirement other than LCOMM, plus some dates and times you would be available for a zoom interview in the week of Aug 24th. Please put WE ROBOT 2021 and your name in the subject line of your email..

Salary is at the UM Research Assistant pay scale, which is $13/hr for new hires.  UMiami Law 2Ls and 3Ls are welcome to apply. I regret that I am unable to pay students from other law schools.

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I Voted

By mail, and the ballot was received. Allegedly it has been counted too. That doesn’t prove it actually will be counted, nor counted correctly, but then the same is true of an in-person ballot, alas.

If you registered for an absentee ballot, or have sent one in, you can check the status of you ballot at, which incidentally is the best use of the .miami TLD I’ve seen yet.

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Rabid Libertarians?

“Libertarian Presidential Candidate to Miss Rally After Being Bitten by Bat”

Onion or Not Onion?

Continue reading

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