Category Archives: Blogs

New National Security Law Blog

Say hello to Security Law Brief.

Hosted by the Georgetown Center on National Security and the Law.

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Welcome ‘Hunter of Justice’

We get a lot of great visiting professors at the University of Miami law school — something about being the law school in Paradise, I guess. How well I get to know them has a lot to do with where their offices happen to be; it helps if they're on my floor, and especially if they are right next door.

When she visited here a while ago, Nan Hunter landed right next door, so I had a chance to get to know her a bit, and I can say that she's lots of fun to talk to (her partner is also delightful company).

And now Nan has a blog, so we all get to talk with her. Please welcome hunter of justice to the blogosphere. I'm sure it will be great. Here's how Nan introduced it:

So now, in the mid-summer heat when it seems sane for even mad dogs and law professors to take a turn at the blogging bat, I'm in.

Why? My goal is to provide commentary on sexuality and gender issues, mostly but not exclusively focusing on law. Since I interpret “law” broadly to include a variety of disciplinary and regulatory discourses, you can expect the contents to range pretty widely. I'm looking forward to publishing my own journal of justice seeking, flavored by humor. OK, maybe sarcasm too.

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Is it just coincidence that Glenn Greenwald, one of our most clear-eyed observers of the political scene, lives and posts from very far outside the Beltway?

Brazil, in fact.

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John Flood’s Blog Tease

Talk about teasing the reader! John Flood's Random Academic Thoughts (RATs): From Budapest: 38th World Congress of IIS (edit: Santana):

At another time I will explain why Santana was actually one of the most formative experiences that convinced me law was a subject worth studying. I was in Morocco when I had this conversion.

Inquiring minds want to know.

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Oh Frabjous Day! Fafblog IS BACK!

Fafblog! is back!

It's time for another edition of BARACK OBAMA: THE FINAL THROES! Last week Giblets revealed the dangerous levels of pussification inherent in Obama's bowling skills and orange juice consumption while exploring the damage done by persistent rumors that the senator is secretly black. But this latest scandal has doomed the Obama campaign more than any dooming doom that has doomed it before, because this time Obama has Insulted America by saying that poor people in impoverished rural areas are somehow “bitter” about being poor and impoverished. For shame!

These people aren't “bitter.” Far from it! America's impoverished working class are a chipper and cheerful lot, prancing and scampering about their foreclosed homes and crumbling industrial sectors with a spirit of adorable pluckiness, smiling and laughing through their unemployment and their black lung disease like a pack of hardscrabble leprechauns!

That's why Giblets is so certain this final crippling blow to the Obama candidacy will be the finalest and most crippling of them all! By implying that the economic immiseration of America's rural underclass has made them somehow unhappy, Obama has alienated America's heartland!

(thanks to SH for the tip!)

…Have they really been gone since July 12, 2006? We needed them.

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‘Catblogging’ Phenomenon Explained

I've always been slightly puzzled by the popularity of 'catblogging' — the custom of running cat pictures on otherwise serious blogs (especially on Fridays). Cute filler, thought I.

Maybe, however, there is more to it. Consider this pair of articles:

OK — It's therapy!

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