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Done Tweaking?

I got the load time down from 9+ seconds (according to Pingdom) to something in the 2-4 second range. Where it falls in that range seems to depend on the atmospheric pressure.

To achieve this result, I took the following steps:

  • Tweaked some W3 Total Cache settings
  • Stopped banging my head against the W3 Total Cache minification settings, and fired up the WP Minify plugin instead.
  • Swapped out the two slowest design elements for faster lower-tech versions
    1. Put in the HTML version of Sitemeter instead of the Javascript version
    2. Used the sfw of the clock instead of the Javascript version
  • Removed the archive drop-down, which amazingly was responsible about half of the HTML for this page, although it showed up as only one line in the margin if you didn’t click it. Now, instead I have a new freestanding archive page via WP-Archives. This is one part of the revision that still needs work — right now it takes waaay too long to build the archive page when someone visits it, and I fear it could bring the server to its knees if some malicious robot decided to hit it a lot (I have set it to noindex, nofollow and blacklisted it in robots.txt, but that only works for good robots).
  • Installed the Wp plugin to automate the reduction of image file sizes that I was doing manually with the GIMP
  • Moved some static files to Amazon S3 & CloudFront, for a cost of a penny or two per day — unless of course traffic should go up all of a sudden.

I picked Amazon because it is integrated with my server and also W3 Total cache. But the user interface is awful and the help files are hard going. I’m still not sure I’ve set things up right.

Stopwatch copyright © 2009 casey.marshall. Some rights reserved.

Posted in, Wordpress | 1 Comment

Tweaking Time

I indulged my inner geek last night and made some fairly extensive changes under the hood to the blog. If I did it right — always a dubious proposition — then no changes should be visible to the reader whatsoever, except perhaps that the blog will load a bit quicker.

So please do let me know in the comments if anything seems weirder — or less weird — than usual. Or even if they seem the same.

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IPv6 Considered Dangerous (Updated)

The blog was down much of the day while I was busy in Baltimore and Washington (how does it know to die whenever, and almost only whenever, I’m out of town?). Here, according to support, is the cause:

The apache service did not like the initial IPv6 assigned to the domain. I changed out the IP and reset the apache service for the domain and I can now view the domain.

I don’t actually understand how this is possible, but if this is the straight dope, it suggests IPv6 adoption is going to be much rockier than I ever imagined.

Update: I asked for further and better particulars, and got this:

The tech who helped you is not in the office. Therefor I cannot give you an definitive answer. However, I had a similar issue on another machine. It appeared to be a kernel bug. The IP was visible to the VPS guest, but could not use. It appache cannot listen on an IP, it will not start. The best course of action was to simply renumber the IP. Hopefully this gives you more insight. If you have any additional questions, please let us know.

Posted in, Internet | 1 Comment

Google Weather Is Back

No idea why, but the widget is working right now, so I’ve restored it to the right column. I like the colors.

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WP Weather Widget is Not Happy

The WP Google Weather Widget I’ve had in the sidebar decided for no apparent reason today to go nuts.

Instead of a pretty picture, I got:

Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: in {directorypath}/plugins/wp-google-weather/wp-google-weather.php on line 162

The error is highly reproducible, so it looks like it may be toast, although I can’t figure out what might have changed on my end to cause this. Nor it seems can others.

I’ve substituted the WP Wunderground widget, at least for the time being.

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Herald Cites in “Best of the Blogs”

I just this moment noticed that the Herald “Best of the Blogs” column, which appears on page two of the Local section, today lists my post I Just Got Push-Polled in the Coral Gables Election as one its three recommendations.

No one mentioned this to me in person or by email, making me wonder if anyone is reading that part of the Herald….and it doesn’t seem to be online either.

Meanwhile, I have a followup post regarding Gonzalo Sanabria, who — get this — called me up on Thursday when he saw the original blog item and (very nicely) asked to meet me to discuss it.   We had coffee this morning.  I hope to post an account of it this evening or at latest tomorrow, but I still have some work preparing for class to do first.

Posted in Coral Gables, | 5 Comments