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Upgrade to WordPress 3.1 Breaks Permalinks (Updated)

I upgraded to WordPress 3.1 and while my front page is fine, and my data is fine, most individual blog posts are no longer visible but come up as not-found.

I haven’t lost any data — I can see the posts them in the post dialogs. But no one else can see them.

It seems to be related to the permalinks: I use custom permalinks of the form


If I switch to standard permalinks then all is well, but all my links would be broken, both internally and externally.

It’s not any plugins – turning them all off didn’t solve it.

I tried deactivating my child theme (I use a modified Twenty Ten theme); that did not solve the problem.

I tried installing the Permalink Fix & Disable Canonical Redirects Pack, and this didn’t fix it. [Update: which is hardly surprising, reading the fine print of that plugin, since I’m on a straight Debian box]

Other links, like the “older posts” link at the bottom of the front page, are broken too….

Can anyone give me some advice, please?

UPDATE (5:35pm): OK, the major weirdnesses are fixed, I hope, although I think there are still some subtle problems here and there. It seems I needed to have some plugins on, and some off, not all on or all off.

In the process of fixing things, though, I also lost the customization I had for some archive pages, that gave full-text of posts instead of little summaries without links. I’ll have to try to remember how I did that….

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Should I Provide an IPv6 Address for this Blog?

My hosting company has just announced that IPv6 is now available:

This new address is tied to your hosting machine, but other services like email and MySQL are not yet supported. We also don’t (yet) support IPv6-only domains; you’ll need to have an IPv4 address on there too.

Given it is a parallel IP number, and only for http access at that, will this achieve anything meaningful? Is there any downside?

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Does Page Loading Time Matter?

Today’s Zits hit home in a way the cartoonist probably didn’t intend.

You see, Google Webmaster tools says it takes from 5 to 7.5 seconds to load this blog. Having run a bunch of tools to analyze what’s going on, most of the slowness is all the stuff going on in the right margin, although a degree of the variability may turn on how many graphics I’m showing on any given day. I’ve played some games with optimizing the code, thrown up some cache (although I think the googlebot gets the uncached version) and there is no doubt some more I can do to speed up the javascript a little, although trying to optimize javascript takes me out of my comfort zone.

But basically, either I accept that things will be slow here — slower than 70-85% of the pages google visits — or I start cutting the clock, the casualty count, the weather, and then some of the continually updated stuff like recent comments.

Given that most people read the site via RSS (hey, you’re missing out! come joint in on the comments!), does the stuff in the right margin even serve any purpose? Other than of course, I sort of like it that way?

I long ago stopped doing any of the promotional activities that help blogs get noticed. Traffic duly dropped, although it remains high enough to make both puzzled and happy. Page speed is said to be a factor that Google considers in ranking pages. Maybe I should bow to the search engine gods and drop the things that slow pages down the most?

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Server Move

Updating siteI’m moving to a new and faster and (slightly) more expensive server. Or at least I’m trying to. Things might get odd for a bit until the dust settles…..

Then the DNS change will have to propagate to where you are, and so on.  Bottom line: if you made a comment any time after about 7pm Eastern time, there’s some danger it may not be there tomorrow.   And there’s some danger everything will be just fine.

Basically, WordPress puts a bigger load on the server than MT did (but is easier for me to manage), and in the past  couple of days first Yahoo then the Library of Congress decided to crawl the site from head to toe.  Meanwhile, yesterday the spam hit the roof, and who knows something else probably happened too, so things slowed to a crawl.   I haven’t the patience so I’m throwing hardware at the problem.

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Was It Good For You?

I’ve turned on a couple of caching programs, but with fairly tame settings for now.  Please let me know if you experience any weirdness.

In the fullness of time, I will open the blog to registration, and registered users will get the uncached, most up-to-date content.   Although, in theory, the cache should update every time I post something or someone adds a comment, so I’m not sure why that really matters.

Meanwhile, I’ve got two caching programs working, and my major fear is that they may work at cross-purposes.  I have the W3 Cache, but only partial mimifying.  And I also turned on Dreamhost’s new mod_pagespeed.  As best I can discern, it risks being somewhat duplicative of W3’s mimification, as both try to squeeze out some of the air of javascript and HTML files as well as caching them on disk (W3) and who-knows-where or whether (mod_pagespeed).  It would take rigorous testing to figure out if this a good combination, or which one is better alone, and the truth is that I don’t plan to do that testing any time soon if ever.  On this, I hope to free ride on the efforts of others.

I’ve just solved a problem that had eaten my RSS feeds, and there odds are there are more.  So please let me know if things are acting stranger than usual.  (And whether the blog now seems faster or slower than it used to.)

Thanks for your patience….

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Please Stand By

If you are reading the blog via RSS, like most people, you won’t (I hope) notice any problems, but visitors here are probably in for a rough, or at least random, week or so as I sort through technical problems….

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