Category Archives: Personal

Why I Write ‘Legal Scholarship’

The question is posed:

PrawfsBlawg: Why I Write. (No, Really, Remind Me Again — Why Do I Write?): I want to ask the question: why do we write? This is a surprisingly difficult question on which I'd be curious to hear from my fellow bloggers (or blawgers, or…forget it). Let me limit it to the question, why do we write legal scholarship?

You could say that before I got tenure, I wrote for tenure. And there's a grain of truth to that; I certainly made it a goal to write so much that the faculty — which claims to hold to a norm that you should not vote against a person unless you have read all their writing — would find voting 'yes' to be the lesser of two evils.

But by now I have had tenure for some time, so I don't really have to write. Failure to write at all would cost me some respect — unless it's for good cause (say, service to the community or intense involvement in pro bono litigation). That said, law teaching is a surprisingly monastic life. I don't actually spend much of my day talking to anyone. And Miami is far enough away from other places where people do what I do that getting to them is an Event. And rare. So respect or its lack actually has little implact in my daily life. So that can't explain why I write several times as much as the uncertain minimum needed to avoid the cold shoulder.

Is it for money? Legal academic writing is unpaid. If a keynote address pays anything over expenses, it's a memorable payday. It doesn't happen very often. I once scored in the low four figures for a speech and a paper and thought it the most amazing thing. At the margin, in some years, the Dean has a very tiny amount of discretionary money to throw towards people who he wants to reward, and writing is one thing he says he wants to reward. Although, 102% or even 104% of a salary that is increasingly behind the norms of the trade is still a salary that is falling behind the norms of the trade — and when coupled with increases in health insurance costs, one that may be losing real buying power. So I guess I'm not doing it for money. Or if I am, I'm an idiot.

So why write then? I think it varies. Let's look at the last five years or so:

++Some articles I wrote because I wanted to understand something, and only writing it down would make it clear.

(Almost everything fell into this category in the early days — I'm not sure if that's because Internet law was new, or because I was, or both. But my digital signatures and certificates work, and also my crypto work, generally fell in this category. And, my next big project does too…)

++ Many articles I wrote because the idea seemed cool so I wanted to share them, and/or I wanted to work them out on paper to better understand them..

++ Some articles I wrote because I was angry and wanted to fix something.

++ I wrote an article because someone attacked me, seriously mis-stating both my arguments and the relevant law.

++ Some articles I wrote because someone I like asked me to and/or because it was the price of admission to a conference where I got to meet nice people and learn interesting things…

  • Internet's International Regulation: Emergence and Enforcement, in EVOLUTION DES SYSTEMES JURIDIQUE, BIJURIDISM ET COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL / THE EVOLUTION OF LEGAL SYSTEMS, BIJURALISM AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE (Louis Perret & Alain-Francois Bisson eds., 2002).
  • The Collision of Trademarks, Domain Names, and Due Process in Cyberspace, 44 COMM. ACM. 91 (2001).

Which motive produces the best articles? That's perhaps not for me to say.

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Lloyd Cutler

Former Clinton Counsel Lloyd Cutler Dies at 87

When I worked for Wilmer, Cutler in London I had the privilege of working for “Lloyd” as he wanted to be called (not that we younguns ever quite did) on a pro-bono matter. Lloyd Cutler had drafted the firm to help him in connection with an international project to advise Czechoslovakia, which was trying to draft a new constitution. (We were too late — they cut the deal that doomed them to split two days before we made our presentations.) I found a very impressive and decent man, with a dash of the Washington fixer.

The Washington Post quotes its former ombudsman as describing him as “a corporate godfather by day and Sister Theresa by night.” Sounds about right.

Lloyd Cutler worked on many good causes, and as one of the US’s equivalent of the ‘great and the good’ performed many public services. His greatest achievement may be the institution he left behind. I don’t know whether it’s still as true today, but the Wilmer, Cutler I worked in was an impressive and highly decent place, a Washington institution, a litigation powerhouse at once intellectual and moral, with an intense commitment to public service. Not many firms manage that. Not many people can help create something like that — and then let go at the right time.

I last saw him here in Miami in January 2003, when the National Research Council’s CSTB Committee on “Privacy in the Information Age,” which he chaired, held a meeting here. He was older, and moved less surely, but the fire (and the growl) was still there, undiminished.

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Happy Passover

Happy Passover to all!

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Email Issues (Tempory)

For what seem good and sufficient reasons, my normal email account at UM will be down for the next couple of days, starting immediately. In theory everything will forward to gmail, but my experience is that this never works right, plus gmail randomly flags real mail as spam (and piles of spam as real mail). And gmail feels so slow compared to PINE.

So if you really want me to get your email between right now and Monday, don't send it to my university address, send it to the address described cryptically in a form I hope foils spammers.

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Visual Travel Records (2)

And also via Ed Bott, here's the world version via the visited countries project:

So much left to see…

PS. Several other cool-looking projects also from Douwe Osinga.

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Visual Travel Records

Thanks to a trackback from Ed Bott, here is a visual presentation of the same data as in the last post:

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