Indiana University study: having children significantly lowers parents' IQs.
Update: Alas, it's a spoof.
Indiana University study: having children significantly lowers parents' IQs.
Update: Alas, it's a spoof.
Item: the email server at work has not delivered ONE SINGLE email to me in almost 48 hours. Not even spam. There appear to be up to 140,000 queued messages for the faculty sitting on it. The nice man from IT promised on Monday he'd fix me by yesterday. We met today and he explained it would be 48 hours to fix anything and a complete sort-out could take a week.
Item: Gmail, which I am using as a temporary replacement (the interface drives me nuts) decided at some unknown point in the I-hope-recent past that much of my real mail should go to the spam filter, so now I have to search through up to 20413 pages of spam (100 entries per page) looking for the real mail.
Bonus item: I have a cold.
My email at U.M. is 98% hosed. Random emails get to me quickly—but not many. Other ones get to me a day late. Many seem to bounce; for all I know some vanish. Outgoing mail from my UM account is also delayed or vanishing.
This is, to understate, very frustrating.
And the soonest I can hope for a fix is next week, since the entire IT dept. is doing things for student accounts this week.
If the fix doesn't come next week, I'm moving my center of email gravity to something private.
Brad's eldest is 14 years old, and guest blogs this evening, telling tales (well, a tale) on dad: The Rice Incident (Not Condoleeza).
My eldest is almost 11. Is this what I have to look foward to?
(See also Children Who Blog, although they don't much these days.)
Today is our 15th wedding anniversary. We've known each other 20 years, more than half our recalled lives.
The school's email is working better today, but I'm wary. Very wary.
Gmail seems like one possible solution to my email woes. I was sent an offer to join a few weeks ago, but dithered so long over choosing a screen name that the offer lapsed. Now I'm re-motivated, and Constantin Basturea kindly sent me a URL to activate an account. But now there's a new problem: I just read the license terms.
If you read the program policies to which assent is required (along with the privacy policy and terms of use), you find in there a representation that I do not think I can make in good conscience. I'm asked to agree that I will not,
Reformat or frame any portion of the web pages that are part of the Gmail Service
The trouble is, like everyone else I would plan to view my gmail through a browser. Sometimes it's in a small window. Sometimes it shows text only and no graphics, sometimes all sorts of odd things happent to my desktop, some of them even intentional. Sometimes I have small text, sometimes bigger. And let's not even talk about the ad blocker…
If this were a prohibition on publishing Gmail content to others in a transformed form, that might be less of a problem, although you have to wonder what this means if I forward the text of an email—do I have to include the ads? What if I only quote a paragraph in a paper I'm writing? But the text quoted above reads as a limit on how I display it to myself, and one which it may be impossible for me to comply with since all browsers “reformat” web pages according to my and the programmer's instructions.
I would communicate this concern directly to Gmail, indeed in further correspondence no-good-deed-goes-unpunished Constantin Basturea even gave me a URL to use to submit the query…but it requires you have a gmail account to write to them.