Category Archives: Personal

Back from Amsterdam

Back from a great and helpful conference in Amsterdam. Lots of interesting papers, a chance to reconnect with many European colleagues especially from Amsterdam and Tilburg, and lots of useful comments on the draft paper I presented.

Now I have to deal with jet lag.

And tonight, if I can stay up for it, do I watch the GOP debate, or the first game of the Miami Heat’s potentially interesting season? So far I’m leaning towards the basketball. The first two debates had enough hate and fantasy to hold me for a long while.

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Just Busy

The “Mom Rule” says I have to post every so often to show I’m not dead.

I’m fine. My office keyboard, on the other hand, decided it doesn’t feel like typing certain characters.

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I Went to the ‘Beach’

'Swimming'Me, yesterday, at the Beach at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C..

Although it wasn’t that deep, it was actually very hard to get get traction and stand up…

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My Email is Down

Email to my usual UM Law address has been down for the last 24 hours due to multiple hardware failures of the law school’s network hardware. Barring miracles, latest projections don’t have it up until Monday if then.

If you need to reach me, or have tried recently to reach me, please use the following formula until further notice:

where you make the appropriate substitutions for “myfirstname” (michael) and “mylastname” (starts with an “f”).

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In Which I Try to Decode ‘Resort Casual’

Our law school hosts an annual welcome event for incoming students. The dress code was “business casual.” I know how to do that. This year, for the first time, it’s a brunch. The invite from the Dean’s Office says the dress code is “resort casual”.


Oh well, that’s why we have Google.

The first link — to — has a box around it, so I’m assuming it is sponsored, although it doesn’t say so (naughty Google). The next link is to USA Today’s What Is Resort Casual Wear?. Ok, that’s a bit MOR but let’s roll with it:

The phrase “resort casual wear” causes anxiety in many a cruise attendee with its seemingly oxymoronic nature. Is it casual? Is it formal? What kind of shoes can I wear? How long should my skirt be? While the exact rules may vary by specific resort or cruise, simply imagine that you are going to a country club with your grandmother.

As one commonly does?

Men’s Wear

Country clubs naturally conjure up visions of polo shirts, khaki pants and loafers, and these items are 100 percent appropriate for resort casual wear. Collared shirts are a must, whether polo shirts or button-downs. Although there is little limitation in terms of color or pattern, use your judgment and avoid oversized logos or text. Although khakis or linen pants are a nature resort casual choice for day wear, slacks are a smart choice for dinners and other evening events. Avoid sandals and other shoes that shoe more bare foot than a loafer or boat shoe would.

Not all that helpful. Back to Google, which offers some illustrative images:

Examples of resort casual

Somehow, I’m not finding that helpful either.

Guess I’m just going to assume it means jacket and no tie.

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Bon 14 Juillet

Joyeux anniversaire à la République Française (et à moi).





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