Category Archives: Personal

Do You Think I Look Short in this Photo?


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Edmund S. Morgan, 97

Yale historian Edmund S. Morgan died yesterday. He was one of the leading historians of US colonial and revolutionary history — and also one of the greatest teachers in a great college. I not only got to listen to his lectures as an undergraduate, I got to listen to them again a few years later (with several quite changed) during my year as a Teaching Assistant for him while in law school. Listening to him recreate the sometimes quite alien perspective of figures ranging from Cotton Mather to George Washington was often the high point of the day. And his final part of his final lecture of the year was personal, and included a call to be sensitive to the injustices of the moment. The example has emboldened me, more than once, to be similarly personal at the end of a semester.

As a supervisor of his TAs Morgan was unfailingly gentle; he trusted our judgment more than I thought I, a rank beginner as a teacher, deserved.

Edmund Morgan was the author of several very scholarly and yet highly readable books that taught two generations about our history. He was also (as I later discovered) the author of the colonial/revolutionary section of one of the leading high school US history text books. That part of the text was, when I came as a parent to read it many years after college, a wonder: so concise, so pared down, so optimized for the capacities of its readers, and yet still rich. Even its generalizations were carefully crafted to be faithful to the twists and turns of more specialist knowledge. Long after Morgan retired officially to Sterling Emeritus status he kept writing books, and also important essays for the New York Review of Books. And he set up a wood shop in his basement.

Ed Morgan did not think law school was perhaps the best way for a person to spend his time. His father had been a major Evidence scholar, and being around law faculty had not given this otherwise sweet and charming human much liking for the subject, or I suspect the breed. He treated my interest in law as bemusing, but we usually avoided the topic.

One of my Ed Morgan anecdotes is pure hearsay, but I have it from a a History graduate student who claimed to have witnessed it regularly: Ed Morgan, she told me, was a great fan of Yale Hockey, and could regularly be seen cheering the Yale team as players delivered a particularly vicious hit on the opposing team. It was hard to imagine the elfin, gentle man, the giver of meticulously prepared eloquent lectures, roaring at a hockey game. But people, as Edmund Morgan taught us over and over, are complicated, and only if you take them as you find them can you hope to understand.

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In Which I Join the EPIC Advisory Board

EPIC has announced the 2013 members of the EPIC Advisory Board. They are Michael Froomkin, Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Miami School of Law; Sheila Kaplan, student privacy advocate and founder of Education New York; Eugene Spafford, a/k/a/ “Spaf,” professor of Computer Science at Purdue University; and Tim Wu, professor at Columbia Law School and author of “The Master Switch.” The EPIC Advisory Board is a distinguished group of experts in law, technology, and public policy. Joining the EPIC Board of Directors in 2013 are current Advisory Board members David Farber, Joi Ito, and Jeff Jonas. For more information, see EPIC: EPIC Advisory Board.

–EPIC, Froomkin, Kaplan, “Spaf,” and Wu Join EPIC Advisory Board

The EPIC Advisory Board is a large group of privacy luminaries, and I’m proud to join them. (The 2013 members are the new members, not the whole Board.)

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Please Use Alternate Email to Reach Me (Resolved)

UPDATE 3pm 1/27/13: The problem, which I’ll say more about in my next post, seems to have been resolved. If you sent me any mail between Friday evening and early Sunday afternoon, it’s nearly certain that I didn’t get it, so please resend.

My main email account is down until further notice. If you need to reach me, please send mail to an address formed by taking my surname and adding

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Stuff I Learned on Thanksgiving

1. There really is a better way to carve a turkey.

2. Pumpkin Cheesecake is surprisingly wonderful. (link corrected)

3. Some people had a very bad Thanksgiving.

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I’m off to a secret undisclosed location that we’ve rented sight unseen, save for a few photos online. The photo to the right is not one of them — there are tools out there to track back photos — but we hope the scenery in the neighborhood might be something like it.

I’m back in a week. I may have some DSL while I’m away, but don’t know if blogging will be part of my relaxation plans. Jotwell should keep on ticking over in my absence — we have some great stuff queued up.

Creative commons licensed photo © Copryright 2009 Kathy Weaver.

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