Category Archives: Politics: 2010 Election

It’s Official: Annette Taddeo is Running for the County Council

It's been rumored for a while, now it's official: Annette Taddeo is going to run for the County Council in a bid to replace retiring local icon Katy Sorenson.

Driven by my commitment to community service, I am excited to officially announce my candidacy for Commissioner of Miami-Dade's District 8, an area that includes the cities of Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay, Homestead, and unincorporated Southwest Dade. The open seat is being vacated by the Honorable Katy Sorenson.

Leaders emerge in the face of daunting challenges. I was inspired to run because I want to offer my talents as a successful small business owner and community leader to help steer Miami-Dade through the churning seas of unprecedented economic woes. I'm a fiscally conservative businesswoman who believes Miami-Dade government should slash wasteful spending, operate transparently and provide maximum value to the real bosses, the tax paying residents.

Jobs, crime, healthcare, education and “hold the line” are priority issues. I'm going to work tirelessly to create local jobs, reduce crime, advocate for affordable healthcare, and prioritize education. I will be a vocal champion of sustainable growth, green initiatives and the preservation and protection of our natural environment with a keen focus on the Everglades.

Unfortunately, I don't live in District 8, but it would be great if Taddeo, who ran a good Congressional campaign in 2008, got elected…although as a reasonable person she could be mighty lonely on the Commission (as was Sorenson, more often than not).

Posted in Miami, Politics: 2010 Election | 35 Comments

Open Seat in FL-25

OK, this is a bit complicated and very Florida. Bear with me.

1. Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL21), who won a comfortable victory against a very flawed challenger in 2008, is retiring from Congress. Word has it that he's keeping his powder dry for a restoration of the ancestral kleptocracy in Cuba.

2. His brother, Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL25), who didn't win a huge victory despite a flawed campaign by a good challenger in 2008, is going to change districts and run from FL-21 instead of FL-25, because FL-25 is trending Democrat faster than FL-21, which remains a quality gerrymander.

3. Speculation is that Joe Garcia, currently heading the Office of Minority Economic Impact for the Department of Energy, may run again in FL-25. If so, I hope he runs a more grass-rootsy and less expensive-consultant-driven campaign. We don't need and can't afford Joe Trippi for this one. We do need a very experienced and organized campaign manger.

(More coverage in the Herald, Lincoln Diaz-Balart's exit from Congress sets off political scramble)

Posted in Politics: 2010 Election, Politics: FL-25/FL-27 | 8 Comments

Sheer Carly

OK. Now we know what happened to Mike Gravel's media team: they're working for Cal Sen candidate Carly Fiorina. Here's an early but very strong entry in the contest for weirdest campaign video of 2010.

Via Kos which says, too kindly,

It's as if a very expensive Senate campaign for an incredibly wealthy woman in the biggest, richest state in the United States of America collectively dropped acid and decided to make an art school, prog rock “concept commercial.”

(Mike Gravel Flashback 2 and Flashback 1.)

Posted in Politics: 2010 Election | 1 Comment

New Rumor

Post-Massachusetts rumor: I hear that Jay Leno will be taking over as President due to Obama's sinking ratings.

Posted in Politics: 2010 Election | 4 Comments

Outpouring of Support for Candidate Running Against Obama’s Heckler

Rob Miller is running for Congress in SC-02 against Rep. Joe Wilson, the yahoo who heckled President Obama during the healthcare speech. Mr. Miller got within a few percent two years ago despite a shoestring budget that resulted in his being outspent by a large ratio.

That's unlikely to be a problem this time. In the less than 48 hours since the (inaccurate) “You Lie” heard round the nation, ActBlue's Rob Miller campaign has raised over $800,000 from more than 22,000 donors.

And the number is still growing.

This is not a solicitation to donate to Mr. Miller — I don't actually know anything about him other than he's not Joe Wilson…which is almost, but not quite, enough. The public reaction, though, is more than impressive. I'm told the average contribution is $36 and the median contribution is $25, so it's a genuine grass-roots phenomenon.

Posted in Politics: 2010 Election | 16 Comments