Kevin John Heller brings us McCain on the Jewish Holiday Purim.
Really, about all you can say to that is, Oy vey.
Kevin John Heller brings us McCain on the Jewish Holiday Purim.
Really, about all you can say to that is, Oy vey.
There's no debate that John McCain was heroic as a POW. Unfortunately, his behavior in uniform in more normal circumstances is more controversial.
The case for the prosecution is laid out at John Mccain: Unfit to serve as Commander-In-Chief, a screed aptly summarized by its subhead: “The spoiled son of military privilege got a free ride throughout his military career despite repeated instances of sex scandals and screw-ups.”
I knew he dated strippers. (And so what?) But losing five planes, three in training accidents or while joyriding (or should that be 'skylarking'?) and two in the field—is that some sort of post-WWII record?
And this doesn't even begin to get to the question of his more recent judgment about Iraq, Iran, or other wars…
From the folks at Bravenewfilms comes, John McCain sings “Bomb Iran”: