Category Archives: Politics: US: 2008 Elections

Election Returns

McCain wins over Romney, Rudy! crashes, Huckabee is reduced to “other”.

Look for Rudy! to endorse McCain tomorrow. The chance of a brokered convention just went down — but the intra-party dirt will really start to fly now.

Clinton crushed Obama but gets no delegates.

Both Amendment 1 (cutting property taxes) and Initiative 3 (more slot machines) passed. Sigh.

Will anyone remember this prediction a year from now?

A study done by Coral Gables-based Washington Economics Group for the pro-slots organization Yes for a Greater Miami-Dade said more than 6,400 jobs could be created by the machines in their first year of operation. The study projects $26 million in tax revenues will go to the county and the cities of Miami and Miami Gardens in the first year.

I doubt they'll see that kind of money, although I'll not bet against gamblers' addictions, but I know there's no way they'll see a net increase in jobs anywhere near that size (they may displace a few, though).

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Take the Train

It seems that if you take the train you might hear stuff: Open Left:: An Interesting Train Ride.

One interesting aspect of this story is that it probably never occurred to the main protagonist, a paleoconservative former US Senator, that any of the regular folks hearing him would have access to the sort of megaphone that blogging can give you.

And after all, if they were DC journalists, odds are good that they're housebroken and would never write about it without permission.

Posted in Politics: US: 2008 Elections | 1 Comment

Why Republicans Will Lose The Presidency In 2008

YouTube – Why Republicans Will Lose The Presidency In 2008

Well, that and the economy.

Posted in Iraq, Politics: US: 2008 Elections | 2 Comments

Jar Jar Kucinich et al

Not written by a nine year old (cf.): best of craigslist : Star Wars Guide to the Candidates.

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Rangel Remains the Establishment Man

Anyone who read machine-pol-and-proud-of-it Rep. Charles B. Rangel's autobiography (see Charlie Rangel's “And I Haven't Had a Bad Day Since”) would have predicted that Rangel Remains in Clinton's Camp in Her Battle With Obama.

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Huckabee Demonstrates His Brand of Moral Leadership

Demonstrating his brand of moral leadership, former Gov. Mike Huckabee showed how he believes a Bible-inspired Presidential aspirant should take a stand against long-time symbols of racism such as the flying of the Confederate flag on state property:

Huckabee Says Let SC Decide on Flag — Pressed later on whether he finds the flag offensive, Huckabee refused to give an opinion.

''It's really not something that is an issue for the president of the United States; that's an issue South Carolina would deal with,'' Huckabee said at a news conference in Columbia, S.C.

Even if one believes — as one well might — that federalism concerns make this a state issue as a legal matter, that doesn't absolve national figures from offering moral leadership. Or from showing their true colors.

Posted in Politics: US: 2008 Elections | 3 Comments