A very nice lady called up raising money for the Obama re-election campaign.
I told her that I was not planning on giving to any Republicans this year.
A very nice lady called up raising money for the Obama re-election campaign.
I told her that I was not planning on giving to any Republicans this year.
Lauren Weinstein catches Sen. Orin Hatch trying to airbrush his legislative record to make it more Teaparty-compatible:
Hatch wants to keep his job — and the birthers present a serious problem for him. You see, back only eight years ago, when Austrian-born Arnold Schwarzenegger (for all his faults, still a quite moderate, non-wacko guy) was in his ascendancy with the GOP, Hatch proposed a constitutional amendment — the “Equal Opportunity to Govern Amendment” [“Presidential Eligibility Amendment”] — to allow persons born abroad (like Schwarzenegger) to become president!
This bit of history has become rather inconvenient for Hatch, when he needs to appeal to Tea Party and birther zealots.
Apparently until a couple of days ago, the details of Hatch’s proposed amendment were still available in the direct archives of his Web site, listed along with his other legislative efforts over the years. But there’s a gap in that list of pages now, seemingly where mention of the amendment used to be present.
via Lauren Weinstein’s Blog: Google Exposes Senator (Sloppily) Trying to Delete History for Birthers.
Of course, looking like you wanted to do Schwarzenegger a favor isn’t going to win you friends with anyone these days.
7917 ballots cast, including 3836 absentee. That’s 48.5% of the votes cast via absentee!
Jim Cason 3056
Tom Korge 2087
Don Slesnick 2721
Group 4
Alvarez 485
Holmes 100
Martin 309
Quesada 3780
Rosenblatt 1775
Sanabria 1240
Kerdyk 5758
Naomon 1689
Source: Coral Gables TV live broadcast.
OK, back to my normal blogging starting tomorrow.
This TalkLeft article articulates something I’ve been worrying about for a while. (See How To Lose An Argument In Order To, Maybe, Win An Election.) The basic idea is that Obama is playing to lose on the budget and the economy, and maybe even social security. The idea is to goad the Republicans into making outrageous demands by signaling preemptive surrender to them.
When the GOP seizes on the red meat being trailed in front of them and enacts their plans, it causes pain. The plan then is to blame them for all the pain, collect lots of campaign money from Main Street, and get re-elected.
I hope this is wrong, but where is the evidence for that proposition?
The cheerfulish form of this theory is that if you have a weak hand all you can do is get the other side to overplay theirs in order to spark a reaction that will strengthen your hand; i.e. the is just the sort of long game that great n-dimensional chess players engage in. But it’s not a cheerful process, and in a world of path-dependence lots can go wrong on the way.
Tim Pawlenty took a page out of the Madison Avenue playbook today. It’s a core belief of modern (but not post-modern) brand management that if consumers associate your product with something negative, you try to overcome that with advertising designed to make the opposite positive association.
Car ads are a case in point. Last night during the football game that the Jets showed up for late I saw a commercial for a Cadillac that was designed to make me think of it as a sports car driven by wealthy yuppies approaching middle age, rather than a grandparental boat or a pimpmobile. I laughed.
Tim Pawlenty wants to be President. But the rap on him is that he is dull even for a whiteguy Minnesotan. Thus, the first Pawlenty campaign ad, the thrust of which is captured in TPM’s Tim Pawlenty Releases Action Movie Campaign Trailer.
I’m sure the campaign sees this as a triple win: First they get to try to associate the candidate with good right wing stuff like fighter planes, toughness, and various multi-ethnic feelgood imagery. Second, they get to try to suggest he might be exciting. (Good luck with that.) Third, they get to be the first ones visibly out of the gate. (Do NOT pay any attention to that Romney behind the curtain!)
To the very limited extent the American public notices, I predict bemusement.
That doesn’t mean Pawlenty isn’t as serious a candidate for the GOP nomination as any of the other members of a fairly unprepossessing field. If you think Romney will use all that money to loom large, then Pawlenty has a shot at being the ABR-ABP (Anyone But Romney, Anyone But Palin) candidate, if Huckabee (the natural ABP candidate) can be marginalized as Palin Lite, or as the front man for the parts of the party Main Street fears. Watch to see how much Pawlenty genuflects to the Tea Party tendency: the trick for an ABR-ABP candidate is to have at least some support there without going overboard.