Category Archives: 2016 Election


I really wanted to like this initial effort from more than I did.

It’s a good effort, marred by some sophomoric stuff. Actually, I like the straight pitch better:

I wonder how they will play in Kentucky? Although facially neutral, to the extent they work these ads have to hit the incumbent worse than the challenger.

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Strong Candidate for Worst Political Video of the Year

As far as I can tell, this nutty video is a genuine product of the Republican Party.

Perhaps they have so much money now after Citizens United that they don’t care how they spend it? And, yes, the “HRC Squirrel” seems to be something they plan to run with.

Posted in 2016 Election | 1 Comment


LET IT be recorded for posterity: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s support for granting “tuition equality” to the state’s undocumented immigrants spanned precisely 44 days. His support for the idea was born Oct. 12 and lasted through his Nov. 5 reelection victory, when he managed to win just more than half the Hispanic vote. It died abruptly on Nov. 25, as Mr. Christie pivoted from New Jersey’s general election to his preparations for the 2016 Republican primaries. On to Iowa!

From a WashPo Editorial of all places.

Posted in 2016 Election | 1 Comment