Wendy Grossman, A really fancy hammer with a gun, captures a lot of what was good about our conference.
I understand NPR will be doing a story, but we don’t know if/when it will run.
Wendy Grossman, A really fancy hammer with a gun, captures a lot of what was good about our conference.
I understand NPR will be doing a story, but we don’t know if/when it will run.
The We Robot conference went very, very well. We should have videos uploaded in about a week. I’ll post links when I have them.
Meanwhile, here are some mini-videos shot by the UM Law staff during the conference.
Now I’m going to go get more rest…
Our first day of We Robot 2012 was, I think, about as great as it could be. It was particularly interesting to see papers from very different perspectives,a bout often quite different topics, converging on a set of shared concerns.
One of them is how we should think of a robot — is it a tool, like a hammer, or it something more?
The question of ‘robot agency’ will in fact be the lead-off for today’s program.
The Miami Herald did a write-up of our final panel yesterday, Brave new world of robot litigants, soldiers, escorts, which plays up the sensationalist aspects of the conference, but makes good reading. You’d never guess though that we also talked about whether robot ethics should have a deontological perspective. Then again it’s not as sensationalist as this concoction, in which the New Times took a stray remark of mine, in which I observed that it was a good thing the drones purchased by Miami-Dade police were not armed, and ran with it (We Robot 2012 Conference at UM Plans for Violent Machine Uprising).
Remote participation is easy: use the Live Video Stream or the Live Video Stream For Mobile Devices. There are links to all the papers for We Robot 2012. And we’re tweeting up a storm with hashtag #werobot.
We Robot 20112 starts in less than an hour.
I had dinner with many of the speakers last night, and I was delighted to find that one of my aims for the event seems to be coming true: many of the participants talked about the pleasure of finding — creating — a community of people with an interest in robots and society (law, economics, ethics, policy, medicine and more). There were even some people with ambitious plans to create community-building institutions.
Thanks in large part to the heroic efforts of Jessi Tamayo and the UM Law conference staff everything seems to be running like clockwork. Except the weather: it’s not just raining, it’s thundering, which is pretty unusual for Miami. I guess the bright side is that the conference participants will be less likely to mind being indoors all day — we do have a long program planned.
There will be a Live Video Stream and also a Live Video Stream For Mobile Devices. Plus links to all the papers for We Robot 2012. And we’ll be tweeting the event with hashtag #werobot.
Join in the fun!
The We Robot 2012 website is down temporarily due to a hardware failure. I’m assured by IT that it will be back up in 2-4 hours.
Update (2:15pm): All fixed now.
Update2 (4pm): We’re down again. I gather there was a second hardware fault, and the new part won’t be in until tomorrow. Terrible timing.
Update3 (4/14/12 2:30pm). Back up! IT thinks it’s all OK now.
Very nice writeup at Hizook, Robotics and the Law: The New ” We Robot ” Conference.
There’s a brief but enticing mention at Techdirt.
Three robopromos since my last update:
I’m going to be the discussant on the Kerr/Millar paper.
And we’ve now got almost all the papers online at the program.